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Hope Award

Breast Health

  • MSNBC.com: Dr. Donnica collaborated with MSNBC.com writers to develop an interactive video of a proper breast exam. You must have the latest version of flash technology on your computer to use this.

  • American Cancer Society - Provides extensive information about all forms of cancer, including breast cancer. The site offers a forum for cancer survivors to share their experiences, as well as information about donating and volunteering, and information on clinical trials and fundraising events.

  • American College of Radiology - The American College of Radiology, with more than 30,000 members, is the principal organization of radiologists, radiation oncologists, and clinical medical physicists in the United States. The site provides a wide array of services for radiologists, with links to patient information for patients receiving treatment and related services.

  • Breast Cancer Network of Strength - Y-ME changed its name in May 2008 to Breast Cancer Network of Strength® to better reflect our mission. While they have changed their name, their mission remains the same – to ensure that no one faces breast cancer alone. The cornerstone of this organization has been and continues to be peer support. In order to strengthen the identity of their core services, they introduced YourShoes™ 24/7 Breast Cancer Support Center. YourShoes services includes 24/7 hotline with real-time interpretation in more than 150 languages, peer support via the Web site, and support groups led by trained facilitators. All YourShoes services are conducted by breast cancer survivors. The words of one of our callers nicely sums ups the value of peer support: "Even though my family is a wonderful support system, I needed someone who had been in my shoes."

  • FORCE- Facing Our Risk Of Cancer Empowered - The only on-line forum and resource site specifically for women who are at high risk of breast and ovarian cancer. FORCE' goals include providing support for women at high risk for breast and ovarian cancer, providing support for those families with increased risk of these cancers, and helping women find resources to determine if they are at high risk for breast and ovarian cancer.

  • National Breast Cancer Coalition (NBCC) - NBCC was formed in 1991 with one mission: to eradicate breast cancer through action and advocacy. The site provides information on how to become an advocate for change, NBCC's legislative priorities for the 107th Congress, which Members of Congress have been supportive, and how NBCC-trained advocates have helped change the world of breast cancer research.

  • National Cancer Institute - Provides extensive information about all forms of cancer, and addresses risk factors, cancer screening, treatment, clinical trials, and cancer statistics.

  • National Coalition for Cancer Survivorship - In addition to cancer information and resources, this site focuses on providing support for cancer survivors. Visit this site to receive a free copy of their "Cancer Survival Toolbox."

  • Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation - Provides breast cancer information and resources for patients, caregivers, and health care practitioners. Take the "Komen Netquiz" to test your breast cancer knowledge.

  • Breast Cancer Network of Strength - Y-ME changed its name in May 2008 to Breast Cancer Network of Strength® to better reflect our mission. While we’ve changed our name, our mission remains the same – to ensure that no one faces breast cancer alone. The cornerstone of this organization has been and continues to be peer support. In order to strengthen the identity of our core services, we introduced YourShoes™ 24/7 Breast Cancer Support Center. YourShoes services include our 24/7 hotline with real-time interpretation in more than 150 languages, peer support via our Web site, and support groups led by trained facilitators. All YourShoes services are conducted by breast cancer survivors. The words of one of our callers nicely sums ups the value of peer support: "Even though my family is a wonderful support system, I needed someone who had been in my shoes."

    Please visit our new Web site at http://www.networkofstrength.org/ to learn more about Network of Strength. For more information about the name change, visit http://www.networkofstrength.org/media/releases/BrandFAQs.pdf.

  • YWCA Encore Plus ™ Program - The YWCA is running an excellent program called "Encore Plus" to help women obtain free or low cost breast and cervical cancer screening. The program also provides breast health education. Visit this site to locate an Encore Program near you.

  • Books on Amazon.com - Search Amazon.com for books on breast health.

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