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Dr. Donnica Returns to "The View"

(Far Hills NJ, 6/6/05): Dr. Donnica Moore, President of Sapphire Women's Health Group and host of DrDonnica.com will reappear on ABC's "The View" Thursday, June 9, 2005 to discuss a topic relevant to all premenopausal women: "Is Your Period Normal?" "The average American woman will have approximately 450 menstrual periods in her lifetime. While few women really look forward to this, most women have concerns if their periods are earlier, later, heavier, or lighter than usual. Most women generally become accustomed to what is "normal" for them, but are not fully aware of the menstrual variations that fall within the complete range of normal," explains Dr. Donnica.

"Most menstrual symptoms are simply an abnormal or exaggerated response to a normal hormonal change," Dr. Donnica explains. In the segment on "The View", she will discuss what a normal menstrual period is, what the range of normal symptoms are, what abnormal symptoms are, and which symptoms deserve medical evaluation. "The most important thing," Dr. Donnica advises "is for women to know what's normal for them." Ironically, she says, the symptom that upsets women the most is having a late period. "The number one cause of a late period is pregnancy, but the second most common cause of a late period is worrying about being pregnant," she says.

Women aren't only worried about late periods, they also worry about periods that are too early, too heavy, and too light. Other bothersome menstural symptoms include bloating, cramping (dysmenorrhea), premenstrual syndrome (PMS), and menstrual migraine. For Dr. Donnica's discussion of each of these conditions, click here.

Dr. Donnica Moore is highly regarded as a women's health expert and advocate: as a physician educator and as a media commentator. Known as "Dr. Donnica", she is the Founder and President of Sapphire Women's Health Group LLC, a multimedia women's health education and communications firm. She is also the Founder and President of DrDonnica.com, a popular women's health information website. In addition, she is also the women's health expert for YahooHealth.com and the "Doctor on Call" Columnist for "First for Women" magazine. Dr. Donnica is most well known for her former role as the weekly women's health contributor for NBC's Later Today Show (1999-2000). She was a frequent guest on NBC's Weekend Today Show and has made more than 375 appearances on television shows including "The Oprah Winfrey Show", "The View", and "Good Morning America". Her voice was heard daily from September 2000 through March 2002 on her nationally syndicated radio spot, "Dr. Donnica's Women's Health Report" which air'ed in 132 markets.

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