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Infertility Specialist, Dr. David Adamson, Featured on New Women's Health Web Site

PALO ALTO, December 13, 2000 - Dr. David Adamson, a nationally known infertility specialist and Medical Director at Fertility Physicians of Northern California (FPNC), is currently a featured expert on DrDonnica.com, the new women's health web site launched by Dr. Donnica Moore. Dr. Moore captured the trust and respect of women across the country with her contributions to NBC's "Later Today" and her nationally syndicated radio show, "Dr. Donnica's Women's Health Report." 

"DrDonnica.com brings Dr. Moore's reputation for credibility, accuracy and self-advocacy to the world wide web, with in-depth, current coverage of women's health issues," said Dr. Adamson.   "I am particularly grateful for the opportunity to contribute to DrDonnica.com on the topic of infertility and its treatment, a disease that affects millions of women and men of childbearing age.  I want to provide the information women need to assess their reproductive health, take the most appropriate first step toward treatment, and get the best possible care, so that they can fulfill their dream of having a baby."

"I launched DrDonnica.com to provide women with up-to-date information on their health, and to create a forum for responding to the thousands of questions I received while with 'Later Today'," said Dr. Moore.   "One of the reasons the Internet is such a wonderful resource is that it enables women everywhere to benefit from the advice of leading experts such as Dr. Adamson.  I encourage any woman concerned about her fertility to visit the site in and take advantage of Dr. Adamson's segment on our website, and related information about infertility."

Visitors to the DrDonnica.com web site are able to reference Dr. Adamson's detailed advice on when to seek medical assistance for infertility, how to select an infertility specialist, and how to choose an IVF center.  Dr. Adamson also provides a list of information and support services for infertile couples.

Women in the Palo Alto area can meet Dr. Adamson and the other physicians from Fertility Physicians of Northern California at a free seminar on December 19 from 7:00-9:00 p.m. at Good Samaritan Hospital in San Jose.   To register, call (800) 497-2234 or visit www.fpnc.com.

Dr. Adamson is also chairman and chief executive officer of Advanced Reproductive Care, Inc. (www.arcfertility.com), the physician-managed national network of reproductive health specialists, offering a unique and convenient financing program for infertility care.

Fertility Physicians of Northern California (FPNC), established in 1984, is a private medical practice specializing in fertility and reproductive medicine.  FPNC, a member of the Advanced Reproductive Care national network of reproductive medical specialists, was one of the first dedicated infertility practices in the San Francisco Bay area.  FPNC provides a range of services for men and women, including the assisted reproductive technologies (such as in vitro fertilization), egg and sperm donor programs, reproductive surgery, endometriosis care and the treatment of recurring miscarriage.  With locations in Palo Alto and San Jose, FPNC serves patients in the San Francisco Bay and Silicon Valley areas.  FPNC has a team of over 30 physicians, laboratory technicians, nurses and administrators.

Click here to read Dr. Adamson article on choosing a fertility specialist.

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