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New Book: Women’s Health for Life
Editor-in-Chief: Donnica Moore, MD

Women today are living longer than their mothers and much longer than their grandmothers. Overall our quality of life is better and we are more active and more independent than ever before. But are we healthier? And how do we improve or maintain good health in increasingly stressful times?

Research into gender-specific medicine has revealed that more women than men die each year of cardiovascular disease (CVD) than from any other cause, including all types of cancer. The good news is that more than 50% of our cardiovascular risk factors can be reduced with behavioural changes. Women’s Health for Life (DK Publishing, April 2009) discusses many of these steps to self-care as well as the necessary medical interventions women may need in order to reduce their risk of heart disease as well as the numerous other diseases, disorders and conditions that affect us.

Women’s Health for Life is the first book to be published on women’s health that includes most health issues concerning women in a user-friendly, highly illustrated, team-written text. Rather than focusing solely on breasts, hormones and fertility, this innovative book allows women to read about every area of their health, with advice and information from a team of top physician experts. Covering everything from heart health to mental health; brain health to bone health to breast health; and menarche to menopause, this comprehensive guide illustrates the fascinating and surprising ways in which sex differences affect the diagnosis and treatment of every common health condition. As easy to use as a cook-book, the book’s focus is practical, suggesting questions to ask your doctor, tips to self-care, and specific pointers to determine whether you may have a particular condition. It doesn’t just recommend “diet and exercise” but offers—and illustrates—specific exercises and specific foods where appropriate.

One of the most unique aspects of this book is that it begins with chapters on prevention and wellness, including a riveting chapter covering changes as we age , beginning in the 20’s and finishing with the 70’s. The subsequent chapters are organized by body system, each written by a woman physician expert in that particular field. Each chapter includes information on the most common conditions women are prone to during each particular stage of their life, plus recommendations for routine check ups, vaccines, supplements and dietary habits women consider to reduce their risk of suffering from these conditions.

Offering expert yet approachable, readable, and sympathetic advice, Women’s Health for Life is team written by some of the most credible, respected and trusted authorities in women’s health including editor-in-chief Dr. Donnica Moore. Each expert provides a comprehensive outline of illnesses in their field, the possible causes and information on the latest advances. Most importantly, each expert offers specific recommendations both to prevent those conditions if you are at risk and to treat them if you develop them.

Women’s Health for Life has a fresh, contemporary, feminine design, and includes easy-to-understand artwork, photographs, graphs and charts. This is the women’s health book for the 21st century and covers most health concerns most women have. It is a book that women can turn to and return to whenever they need health information. It is a book that no women should be without.

To order Women’s Health for Life, click here.

To join the Women’s Health for Life Facebook fan page, click here.

To view a short video of Dr. Donnica discussing the book, click here.

To contact Dr. Donnica about speaking engagements, click here.

Created: 4/13/2009  -  Donnica Moore, M.D.

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