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Omega-3: Critical for Prenatal Health and Nutrition

(WOONSOCKET, RI, June 5, 2007): For years, health advocates have promoted the importance of folic acid for prenatal healthcare. Now, the latest prenatal research recognizes the importance of another crucial prenatal nutrient, DHA (docosahexaenoic acid), an omega-3 fatty acid, that many women lack in their everyday diet and supplements. "The good news is that the more we learn about DHA, the more nutritional importance we see that it has," said Dr. Donnica Moore, Life Fitness Well-being Expert and founder of DrDonnica.com. "The impact of Omega-3 DHA begins in the womb and should be in every pregnant woman's prenatal supplement," she adds.

As one of the crucial building blocks of human brain tissue and cognitive functioning, DHA is integral in the development of the brain, eyes, nerves and immune system in infants. Early in life, DHA is supplemented through the placenta and from breast milk as infants are unable to produce optimal levels of DHA on their own.

DHA is also an important nutrient for mothers-to-be-increasing dietary intake of DHA during pregnancy and beyond may help to support a mother's emotional well-being after birth.

With these benefits in mind, however, pregnant and nursing women in the U.S. on average only consume 52mg of DHA per day; about 25 percent of the recommended daily 200 mg intake. DHA is also not found in most prenatal vitamins. A recent survey conducted by Harris Interactive® on behalf of Life Fitness found that only 31 percent of women ages 18 and over believed that they clearly understood which vitamins and nutrients are important to prenatal healthcare.

"Women in their child-bearing years-and especially during pregnancy and while nursing-should pay particular attention to their daily intake of Omega-3-DHA and the sources in which they find it," said Dr. Donnica. "With the increasing risks and confusion associated with fish contamination, a leading source of Omega-3s, it is best for women take Omega 3-DHA supplements to ensure that they are getting a healthful and optimal Omega 3-DHA intake."

Life Fitness Prenatal Multivitamin & DHA
Life Fitness, leader in advanced solutions for healthy and active living, now offers the first over-the-counter prenatal supplement with DHA-Life'sDHA™ Prenatal Multivitamin & DHA-on the mass market available at CVS/pharmacy. Affordably priced, this exclusive two-step multivitamin and DHA supplement program features a daily DHA (200 mg) soft gel and multivitamin tablet.

The soft gel features a patented, ultra-pure and completely fish-free DHA to support infant brain and eye development. The multivitamin also contains extra folic acid to provide improved support for the proper development of the infant's spinal column.

Created: 6/13/2007  -  Donnica Moore, M.D.

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