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Dr. Donnica to Present at Living Well to 100 Conference

(BOSTON, Oct. 31 2006) Dr. Donnica Moore will moderate the concluding panel of internationally renowned medical experts at the second annual Living Well to 100 Conference, "Is Inflammation Central to Aging?" Sponsored by the Nutrilite Health Institute and Interleukin Genetics Inc., the conference will focus on wellness and how to keep healthy people well for a greater portion of their lives. It will be held Nov. 6 - 7, 2006, at the Tufts University Jaharis Family Center for Biomedical and Nutrition Sciences in Boston MA.

An international roster of renowned experts will explore the role of inflammatory mechanisms and lifestyle factors in prolonging wellness as healthy individuals age. Presentations will focus on identifying which individuals may benefit from reducing inflammation, which key molecular targets may be mediating the role of inflammation in specific diseases, and how lifestyle and nutritional factors may modulate inflammation.

"Healthy aging is an achievable goal but it requires a greater understanding of the aging process and its influencers," says Jose Ordovas, Ph.D., Professor of Genetics and Nutrition, Tufts University. "Current evidence supports that inflammation plays a key role in many of the common diseases of aging. We hope to not only further our understanding of the connection between aging and inflammation, but also to explore practical applications of scientific and technological advances that will ultimately help achieve healthy aging."

Specific conference sessions will be:

  • Inflammatory Mechanisms as Critical Determinants of the Clinical Trajectory of Common Diseases
  • Factors Influencing the "Wellness Phenotype" and the Expression of Inflammation at Different Stages of Life
  • Wellness to 100 -- What Can We Do to Enhance the "Wellness Phenotype?" Can We Avert or Ameliorate Chronic Diseases by Focusing on Inflammation?

In addition to Dr. Moore, confirmed conference faculty includes Dr. Aubrey De Grey, University of Cambridge, Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Rejuvenation Research, United Kingdom; Dr. Gordon Duff, University of Sheffield School of Medicine and Biomedical Science, UK; Dr. Peter Libby, Brigham and Women's Hospital, Harvard Medical School; Dr. Paul Ridker, Brigham and Women's Hospital, Harvard Medical School; and Dr. Roberto Romero, National Institutes of Health, Wayne State University. Other presenters represent Cornell University, Vanderbilt University, the University of California, the University of British Columbia, and others.

The conference is open to healthcare professionals and scientific researchers from medicine, nutrition, industry, and government who are focused on delivery of care and innovations to extend healthy aging. Participants may register online at http://www.wellnessto100.org or by calling 617-636-1000.

The Nutrilite Health Institute is a worldwide collaboration of experts dedicated to helping people achieve optimal health through research, education, and practical, personalized solutions. Interleukin Genetics is a biotechnology company focused on developing, acquiring, and commercializing personalized health products. The company uses functional genomics to help develop risk assessment tests, pharmacogenetic tests, nutritional and therapeutic products based upon the genetic variations in people.

Created: 11/1/2006  -  Donnica Moore, M.D.

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