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Help Finding Free Breast Health Services

Q: I have a friend who told me that she will not get a mammogram because she has no insurance. I worry about her because she told me that she felt a lump on her one breast. I told her that she needs to get a mammogram. I know every once in awhile there are free screenings. Can you tell me where I can direct her?

I had my scare a few years ago and I am fine. I know the seriousness of this and I want her to get checked. I told her if she would like, I would go with her for her exam. But she tells me that without insurance, she won't go unless the exam is free.

Dr. Donnica: It is so good of you to want to help your friend! I know how frustrating it can be to want to help someone more than they want to help themselves.

You are right. There are many wonderful organizations that provide free mammogram services to uninsured and underinsured women. One way to find out about dates and locations in your area would be to contact the Pennsylvania Breast Cancer Coalition at 717-738-9567.

A national program is offered by the YWCA called Encore Plus, which reaches out to women across the country who face obstacles receiving high quality, affordable, breast, and health services. Encore provides educational presentations in English and Spanish, assistance in receiving free mammograms, advocacy, and referrals, as well as treatment and support services for breast cancer survivors. They also serve women with breast implants as well as men who may have breast health problems. To find the YWCA nearest you, go to http://www.ywca.org/html/B6.asp.

If neither of these options helps, another research option is to go to your favorite search engine and type in "free mammograms in Pennsylvania" (or you could even specify your town).

With best regards,

Donnica Moore, MD
President, DrDonnica.com

Created: 10/25/2003  -  Donnica Moore, M.D.

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