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Stubborn Yeast Infections

Q: Last year when I went in for my pap smear, I was diagnosed with bacterial vaginosis. I was also complaining of problems with worsening PMS.  My gynecologist gave me a prescription for ortho-tri-cyclen (switching from Ortho-Cept 28 for the PMS) and an antibiotic for the vaginitis.

The antibiotic triggered a yeast infection. I called my doctor and she told me to treat it with over-the-counter medication. Well, it has been coming back over and over again. I went to a new doctor and was given Terazol (the seven-night treatment).  It went away but then flared up before my next period started. 

I was wondering if this could be happening because of the Ortho-Tri-Cyclen. What's a good pill to switch to that would also help with the PMS?


Dr. Donnica:
I know this is frustrating for you.  The question is whether your yeast infection is recurrent or if it just wasn't thoroughly eradicated in the first place.  Yes, birth control pills can increase your likelihood of getting yeast infections, but it sounds like you got this one directly as a result of the antibiotics.  I recommend asking your doctor for a course of Diflucan--a pill that's very effective.

The other issue is whether you and your partner are passing this infection back and forth.  We rarely treat male partners for yeast infections, but he could potentially be reintroducing the yeast.  I recommend abstaining from intercourse for a few days once you start the Diflucan to make sure you're fully over the yeast infection.

Good luck!

Best regards,
Donnica Moore MD
President, DrDonnica.com

Created: 9/25/2002  -  Donnica Moore, M.D.

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