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High Blood Pressure

Q: My doctor told me I have high blood pressure. Is there anything I can do to lower it?

Dr. Donnica:
There are definitely some things you can do help lower your blood pressure!

Dr. Donnica's Top Ten Tips for Reducing High Blood Pressure:

  1. See your physician regularly.
  2. Work together to develop a comprehensive treatment plan & follow it.
  3. If you smoke, stop.
  4. If you are on medication to manage your blood pressure, take it religiously according to the instructions. If you have questions, ask.
  5. Communicate with your physician: inform your doctor promptly about new symptoms or any medication side effects.
  6. Practice stress management: many of the contributors to high blood pressure are unpredictable and emotionally draining. This can be very stressful which in turn can worsen your blood pressure or cause sudden, short-term elevations.
  7. Exercise, exercise, exercise. Twenty minutes of aerobic exercise four times per week has been shown to have a significant benefit for most people with hypertension, especially those who are overweight.
  8. Practice weight management. Programs like Weight Watchers ® are usually highly effective for people with high blood pressure. They provide the added advantage of a built-in support group of others with similar challenges. In overweight patients, a weight loss of only 10 pounds can make a significant difference in blood pressure.
  9. Reduce dietary salt intake.
  10. Limit alcohol to one drink or less per day.

Created: 9/24/2000  -  Donnica Moore, M.D.

 Communicate with your physician: inform your doctor promptly about new symptoms or any medication side effects. 

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