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When it's Time to Talk to Your Doctor About Incontinence

One of the biggest hurdles in the treatment of incontinence or bladder leakage is for the patient to overcome their embarrassment and to admit that they have a problem. If you are experiencing incontinence or bladder leakage, talk to your healthcare provider. Taking this decisionnaire may make things a bit easier. Check off any of the following that apply to you and take this with you on your next visit. 

___  Do you ever have any accidental loss of urine?  If so, how many times per day?  ____
___  Do you ever have accidental loss of urine during your sleep?
___  Do you have any blood in your urine?  (If so, see your doctor as soon as possible.)
___  Do you have a sense of urgency that you have to urinate ASAP and that you might not make it to the bathroom?
___  Do you routinely urinate more than 8 times per day?
___  Do you wake up to urinate 2 or more times per night?
___  Do you have any pain with urination?
___  Do you leak urine when you cough, sneeze or laugh?
___  Do you drink coffee, colas, or other beverages containing caffeine?  If so, how many per day?____
___  Do you take any medicines that contain caffeine?  (e.g. NoDoz, Excedrin, etc.)
___  Have you changed any of your activities over time because of urine leakage or fear of urine leakage?

                        ___Work habits

                        ___Dress habits (including the daily use of pads or adult diapers)

                        ___Carrying a change of underwear/clothing


                        ___Dancing, aerobics, or other activities

                        ___Intimate relations


___  Have you had any bladder, pelvic or abdominal surgery?
___  Have you ever given birth?
___  Do you practice "toilet mapping" (being sure to know where every bathroom is over the course of your daily travels)?

For more information about incontinence, click here.

Created: 7/11/2002  -  Donnica Moore, M.D.

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